How does music make you feel/ Has it ever been your therapy?
Making music makes me feel free and limitless, we live in a time where we are constantly told to follow rules and conform, even by ourselfs sometimes but making music gives me a chance to express & clear my thoughts and take a deeper look into myself so I know who I am.
What is your biggest aim through you making music / what do you want to achieve?
Honestly it may sound clique but my main goal right now is to make a lot of money, not only for myself but because I have so many talented and hard working people in various creative areas that loose their passion or even completly give up on their dream career because of a need to bring in the income they need to survive so I want to be able to be in a position to provide the work wanted by these people.
What got you started in the grime scene?
There was a youth project down the road from me when I was younger and I used to meet my friend Gerrel there. I remember a youth worker Rammel always brang his decks with him and got us to jump on the sets so that's where it all started for me.
Where did the inspiration for eternal come from?
Eternal started in February a month after I released nah, I went through some crazy stuff with having to end a relationship and loosing a good friend and Eternal is more of an ironic title because nothing really is in this universe so just try to do as much for those around you as you can. That's why this album has only local artists featuring on it that I've worked with closely.
Last week was mental health awareness week, what is your life motto to achieve the best and stay positive?
Its hard to answer this question because I have ups and downs myself like anyone else but I've found that understanding that life's about balance keeps me in a positive frame of mind more often then not. I don't know if anyone can stay positive all the time because we are rarely in full control of anything in this world but knowing that it would be hard to appreciate or know the light with experiencing darkness can make you thankful for the hard times as well as the good.
What does it feel like to perform?
I love it in general, to have my people on stage with me and see the response is great but it can vary depending on the crowd so sometimes the nerves can get the better of me but that's why it helps to have positive and supportive people around when you do perform