Has music ever been a therapy to you / How does music make you feel?
I think music is therapy for a lot of people in different ways. It can be up-lifting. It can help you through hard times. I went through a really low patch 5 years ago,and then joined a band and went on tour and it just rekindled my love for music and helped me forget about how sad I am.
It's good for people with social anxiety as well, a lot of the rock project students that ourselves teach, really struggle with confidence issues. Giving them a skill that can make them really confident and outgoing. which that in itself is super incredible man. To me music is the best form of therapy.
Playing music has helped with how socially awkward I was. Going out and playing really helped.
Why is music so important to you?
It's the only thing i'm good at. It just makes me feel good.
It's really rewarding. I'm a big advacote for if you find something that makes you feel good or that you like or you're good at, give it 100%. It's important because it has the power to make me feel good.
I can't imagine not being into music, it's weird. Even from a young age it's been my number one.It's even weirder for me if you meet someone and they're not really into music. "How can you not be into music?"
What's your biggest achievement as a band?
I think we've as a unit we've only been a band for 6 months. The band was something before that but yeah we've managed to take a relatively new, fresh thing and like do quite a lot of good gigs with it. We had a cracking gig in Brighton, that for me is the highlight so far.
How did the BBC help with your achivements?
It's always good to have them their, especially if they've got your back. It's a kind of bragging rights thing. BBC introducing have sorted us out. They've played us loads of times and it's been really cool.
What made you start vlogging when you're with the band?
For me it's like I treat it like a CV. I dipped out of music for around 3-4 years and thought whats the best way that I can get myself back out their again as a musician. Whilst also using it as an inspirational tool for my students and I thought yeah, making videos because then not only do you have the audio aspect of listening to music you also have the visual side and you get to see almost behind the scenes of what bands actually do.When they're preparing for gigs and rehearsing and stuff.
and it's really worked. I like to be modest but I have got so much more work out of doing the youtube channel. It's been really