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Kid Luna

How did Kid Luna form?

Lewis M: so, we were a band before Luna formed, but we wanted to completely rebrand and mix things up so we could start fresh. The name stemmed from an idea of having KL, as most of us are from King’s Lynn so it meant something to us. After months, we had an idea of Kid Lemur but it didn’t sit right, so then Kid Luna was thrown in and it instantly just fit - like it was meant to be!

Kieron: yeah, we began as a backing band for “Lewis Murphy” as he was predominantly writing all of the songs, then as we all became more involved in writing as a unit it made more sense to transition into a band format and rebrand ourselves!

Matt: Me and Murphy have known each other for years from previous projects, so when he asked me to be a part of his solo venture it was an easy yes. After moving into the new genre, Kieron and Whymark joining was a no-brainer...

Lewis W: What those guys said haha! In January, I was asked to fill in and play bass for a few gigs, so I turned up to a practise! What can I say? We hit it off

Lewis M: Aww what a cutie - couldn’t imagine this band any other way

What’s your favourite original song?

Matt: Favourite released song... You, Baby
Lewis M: Ooooh Matt is hinting that his favourite might not be a released track... I’m going to say my favourite is our newest song that we haven’t released yet...
Kieron: I'm going to have to go with You, Baby too, I love to play the outro in L T Y T though, that bit goes hard!
Lewis W: I’m agreeing with Lewis... it’s the most exciting, energetic song to play so far!


How does music make you feel / has it ever been your therapy?

Lewis W: I feel that it takes you away from the boring and mundane things in life and keeps it entertaining and exciting. There’s so many different parts to the industry, and I think I speak for all of us, that you find yourself jumping between the various parts. Super fun to be a part of!

Kieron: Music makes me feel a lot more carefree than perhaps i should be, it's like an anaesthetic without the scary needle part - just shuts me off from the outside world and external stresses

Lewis M: I agree with Whymark completely. Music is a getaway, an escape from the boring things in life. It fuels me, motivates me to get out and chase what I want to do in life - which so happens to be music!

Matt: Personally music is an escape from the stresses and strains of the real world, all the time you are on stage you forget about everything else other than putting on the best show possible and doing what you love.

What’s your best musical experience?

Lewis M: Good question! I personally will never forget playing a sold out show in Norwich - it was an acoustic gig, and hearing the whole room sing my songs back to me was amazing!

Kieron: Definitely getting a shoutout from Big Philly Schofield! Legend!

Lewis W: Working a week in Fluid Mastering was the maddest thing I’ve ever done, feel proper lucky to have done that!

Matt: Mine would have to be sharing the stage and dressing room with one of my idols, James Veck-Gilodi, the lead singer of Deaf Havana at a sold out local show in Norfolk, such a nice guy!


What does music mean to you?

Kieron: To me music is an escape from a textbook life of studying hard or sitting behind a desk working for anyone but yourself and your closest friends.

Lewis W: It’s everything I want to do and want to keep doing. I’m happy I get to share a huge part of it with the Kid Luna fam!

Matt: It means a way to let your hair down and have a good time!

Lewis M: It would probably be easier to ask what it DOESN’T mean, as music is literally my life. Writing, recording, performing - it’s literally what I want to do forever, and I can’t imagine my life without music!

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