Where did your inspiration for ‘All of Us’ come from?
The chorus was written in a Wetherspoons in Darwen about a couple cross the road infront of a JCB or something, which sounds boring as f*ck really but that’s how it went down and so “A kiss means more than demolition” was born. I’m a dreamer and somehow think one day everyone is gonna put their differences and prejudices to one side and live as one.. There’s a lot of different parts to it, “When I turned on the TV all the lizards were lying” was deffo a stab at all the b*llshit Brexit chat that was going on. Weirdly the second verse is about not seeing your friends for a while “Been a while since I saw you, not the old you is a memory” which seems to mean more now in lockdown.
What has been your favourite performance so far and why?
Bingley Weekender 2019 was a beauty and probably our collective favourite. Our stage time got cancelled because of bad weather early doors - we were meant to open the main stage. Anyway, another band couldn’t make it so we took their slot on the second stage but at 5pm which was well better. The sun had just come out, we got a mega crowd and it went down a treat.
How did you feel filming your skiddle studio session?
It takes longer than you think, so in one word- knackered. It was class though, it’s really the first time we’ve done something like that and the result looks and sounds decent so we’re very happy.
How does music make you feel and has it ever been your therapy?
Yeah of course. It’s hard to do anything without tunes on - cooking your tea, having a shave, getting pissed, going to work - good and bad, tunes are always the answer. Obviously top of the pile for that is The Beatles - when your head has fully gone, get the Beatles on and it will always sort you out.
What makes music so important to you and why ?
F*cking hell, tough one. Honestly I think music is either in you or it isn’t, and when you’re fully f*cking having it to a tune or a band or whatever there isn’t a better feeling. That’s not to say music heads are any better - you could be into f*cking F1, or reading books or whatever - and that would be your thing - but for me it’s tunes, and I love making them too with this band.