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What’s the Cambridge music scene like?


The Cambridge music scene is super lively! Lots of pop, rock and indie to discover and enjoy wherever we go. You’ll find a couple of gigs on on a weekly basis. You’ll get to know some of the bands but there are always new ones emerging too.


What were your emotions after releasing ‘Space Girl’ ?


Space Girl was our debut single and releasing it felt sooo exciting! Having recorded music available online and seeing people buy it and stream it made us feel like a real band for the first time. It was a big step for us and we’re so pleased with the response we’ve received. It has made us eager to record more alongside performing live.

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What was it like to play the Cambridge Big Weekend 2018?


Playing Cambridge Big Weekend 2018 was a big gig for us (eyy get it?) The organizers and the sound crew (who were from our uni on this occasion) were super awesome and the gig went very smoothly. Although, Rhiannon arrived seconds before going on stage! Close one.


What makes music so important to you as a band?


Individually music is our craft (or art) but together we make magic happen. It’s even more magical that there are people out there that want to share it with us outside of jamming. Playing music together brings us so much happiness.


How does music make you feel / has it ever been your therapy?


All three of us have been musicians more or less our whole lives and it is always something we turn to to relieve stress or just to have fun. Music can solve negative emotions even if it’s just a temporary distraction from real life. When we play music together it is the best therapy because we are the best of friends!

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