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How does music make you feel / has it ever been your therapy ?


Music is probably the most immediately cathartic way I've found to express myself, so there's definitely a level of therapy to it, for sure. Lyrically I write quite ambiguously so although sometimes it's hard to decipher, the stories in our music are incredibly personal to me. It's kind of a trip because you can't help but sing / write / play exactly how you feel in that moment, so the writing process is always the most raw expression of how you're feeling.


What’s been your favourite gig to play and why?


My personal favourite gig was probably our headline show at The Junction in Cambridge earlier this year. It's the first time I've heard so many people singing the lyrics back word for word. That really means the world to me.


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Name 3 local bands you appreciate with their top song ?

F.E.S - 'Microwave'

Tyne - 'I'd Like That'

Among the Citizens - Words Mean Nothing


What makes music so important to you?


Because music affects you involuntarily. The first time I hear a beautiful song it resonates with me on such a level that it can change my entire day and then that becomes a memory, something to feel nostalgic about. So that song is forever associated with that time, place or person. And then some life happens and you hear that song again and it can take on a new perspective. Music is just an infinite and timeless pool of everything that makes a human.


You recently released a song called ‘Milkshake’ , where did the inspiration for that track and the visuals come from?


Milkshake is about the middle stage between childhood and adulthood. Puer aeternus, Peter Pan syndrome kind of stuff. But it's growing out of the 'live fast, die young' mentality and realising like shit, I'm gonna' be here for a long time and I actually WANT to be here, so how do I work that out? The video is made almost entirely from photos of mine and Matt's childhood; A lot of which I'd never even seen before so it was kind of a lot to take in at times. I think that's a theme that's going to be the through line for the next EP.

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