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How did 'Cascade' start?


We started when the Singer (Sam) decided he could actually write half decent tunes, so he teamed up with his best mate (also the drummer ‘Dan’) to start smashing them out. After a few members joined and left, Chris (the bassist) and Austin (lead guitar) joined in the past year. It’s only now we’re really starting to make any kind of impact!


A few weeks ago was mental health awareness week, how was being in a band affected your own mental health?


Being in a band can be tense at times because we spend so much time together. We also have to deal with the pressure to succeed because of how much we want to be successful. This can lead to a lot of self doubt at times, but getting to the end of protects that end up being successful always makes it worth while.


What makes music so important to you?


It creates feelings! What’s better then that? There’s a song for every scenario! As musicians it also allows us to express things in ways that can’t always be said. A part from that, we suppose it’s just what makes the world go round. Fuck all that money bollocks. Although money’s nice... there’s always a song that will make you smile.

What is your favourite thing about performing with eachother?


That we all surprise each other! We like to think we’re all talented in different ways. And sometimes we all come out with things we never knew we was capable of. It just clicks with us boys, and we can’t get enough of it. We also make music that WE want to make.


How does music make you feel/ has it ever been a therapy?


Music must be a therapy for 99.9% of people. It makes us feel like we’re worth something. Without music, life would be very meaningless. But that is coming from a bunch of musicians.

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