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What makes music so important to you ? 


I grew up in a very musical family, half of my family are Irish and ‘sing songs’ are a given when we’re together as much as it is with the other side of my family. My dad and my uncle play guitar and I grew up learning songs from them and singing the Beatles/ Simon & Garfunkel at family gatherings with our guitars & ukuleles. We are the literal embodiment of the partridge family.


How was it supporting The Marmozets at the Cambridge junction?


It was an insane moment! It went by so fast I don’t think we even understood how cool and mental it was until it was over. It was Elliot B’s birthday and we were just planning on going for a couple drinks, but it ended up being such a better day than planned.

How did Tundra begin ? 
Elliott and Elliot have been playing together for a while and asked me to be their singer for our old cover/ function band when we were in year 10. And in the first year of college we decided that we wanted to write our own music in the cover band, a few members left, and then Tundra began!

How does music make you feel / has it ever been your therapy? 


Music has pretty much always been my therapy, (as soppy as it sounds) I’ve always loved finding songs that I can relate to in either certain situations or just in general. It’s a great way to get emotion out when you can sing along to a song that literally says how you feel about something/ someone etc.


What is it like when people sing lyrics back at you?


It’s honestly the best feeling ever. We write our songs for us, and knowing that other people like them enough to know the words is such a humbling feeling.


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