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I had a great experience talking with up and coming band Fick as Fieves, to keep up to date with their latest work click on the links above

Fick As Fieves have proven to have a great year in 2017, with more streams and radio show slots, I hope this continues for the hit new trio, they were lovely to talk to and I really think this interview lets their personalities shine through.

How does music make you feel and has it ever been your therapy?

Music has the possibility to make you feel absolutely anything, that’s the beauty of it. Some songs make you want to cry, others make you want to dance. We definitely use it for therapy especially on our way home from gigs. I remember one slightly disappointing gig (yes they do happen) we got in the car homeward bound and immediately put on Slipknot’s Duality - biggest stress relief ever and put us in a much better mood for a drive home.

How did you get discovered by BBC INTRODUCING?

The guys over at BBC introducing have been friends of ours for many years now due to previous line-ups in the band and past incounters, but anybody can upload their music to the Introducing Uploader and possibly have it aired on local radio if it’s good enough! It’s how we’ve fallen in love with bands like 3/10 and The Catch, from hearing them on Greame and Richard’s Saturday night show.


What makes music so important to you?

I think what makes music so important to us is because it’s universally understood as an art form that offers so much expression and feeling. Everybody can have their say on music and everybody can interpret it in different ways, that’s what makes it so rewarding when people appreciate the music we’re making.

I recently got the chance to speak with an Indie-rock trio from East Anglia, they have recently been discovered by BBC introducing and are set to play Jimmy's farm festival and Bardfest. 



What is the best gig you have played so far and why?

Our best gig had to be our most recent this Saturday just gone, playing a venue called Nambucca in Holloway - London, playing for a huge promoter ‘This Feeling’ has been a goal of ours for a long time now so it was fantastic to complete our goal and put every last bit of effort we had into the show - it was perfect!


What is your favorite original you have written and why?

I think we all individually have our own faves but together we all love a track from our latest EP (releasing 4th May) called Outstayed Your Welcome. The lyrics tell a punchy story about a frustrating relationship that’s past it’s sell by date, I think a lot of people can relate to it.





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