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What is the best gig you've ever played and why?


My favourite gigs are always the homecoming ones in Hastings, when we’ve been away for a while touring or writing and recording, and we get this big show sorted and you know it’s going to be absolutely mental and just an all round party. Those are probably my favourite shows. Can’t beat coming home.


Who is your biggest musical influence as a band?


That’s a tricky one because we all have such different influences. I’d say QOTSA have been a huge influence. Them with a mix of amazing snakeheads and Ennio Morricone.


How does music make you feel and has it ever been your therapy?


Its the only thing that makes sense and the only thing that gets me really excited. It’s a total passion and it needs to be if you attempt to peruse it as a career. Because it’s really not easy.


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What is the coolest part of playing festivals?


Probably having people you’ve never met before sing your songs. That’s always a good surprise.


Why is music so important to you?


I just think it’s universal and everyone has a relationship with music one way or another. It’s an amazing way to express anger or happiness or sadness or loss or whatever you want to say. It can be about nothing or about everything.

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