What got you into Music?
I guess I found music through my parents. They’re both real music lovers and that definitely rubbed off on me from a young age. I can’t remember why I started making music, it was probably because I thought it was going to get me attention from girls... it didn’t work. I just liked being creative as a kid, and music let me do that.
Where do your ideas for songs come from?
My ideas usually come from my experiences or just how I feel at the time. Like if I’m feeling really shit I’ll be able to write a tonne of meaningful lyrics. Songs like Red Lights are about other people’s experiences that I find interesting.
How does music make you feel / has it ever been a therapy for you ?
I always find it weird how music can make you feel stuff. It’s cool how an arrangement of sounds can affect the brain. It can make me feel excited, emotional, inspired, nostalgic, anything really. It depends on the song. Each song has its own little affect. I find making music therapeutic. It’s a good way of releasing my thoughts.
What’s the best thing you have achieved through music ?
I’ve been asked this question before and I never know what to say because I don’t feel like I’ve achieved what I want to achieve yet! Passing 10 thousand monthly listeners was a milestone, that felt really good.
What makes music so important to you ?
I’ve grown up with it and it’s always been a big part of my life. Mainly, I just get a kick out of making and performing it. There’s nothing better than making music with your mates.