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What makes music so important to you?


It’s a creative outlet like no other. Especially considering I’m usually involved in every single stage of my music from writing the first lyric to the mastering stage, I get very invested and committed to the music that I make. I’m never unhappy while making music


Who / what inspires your music?


I’m usually inspired by events or characters in movies and shows rather than other music/musicians. I think strange/ irregular interactions between multiple parties inspires me a lot. Bonnie and Clyde. Scott pilgrim and Ramona flowers. I find it easy to write from an outsiders perspective.




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How does music make you feel / has it ever been your therapy?


It always has been my therapy. I’m a very anxious person by nature anyway and can get very depressed. And making music definitely helps suppress those negative feelings and allows me to focus on other things.

Where would you like to go with your music ?


What is your greatest achievement through music?


My greatest achievement through music is actually not really an achievement. I think the realization that it was making music and clothes that I wanted to do rather then what my teachers and others kept suggesting I should do is pretty cool.

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