What was it like to perform for the very first time ?
Terrifying... My first performance was in a little 'old mans' pub in Widnes to a crowd of about 5 and I had my eyes closed the whole time.
How does music make you feel / has it ever been your therapy ?
I have always used music in different scenario's, happy or sad it makes me feel better somehow.
What’s been your musical highlight so far ?
My musical highlight would probably have been selling out my first manchester headline gig. That was a really good night
What makes music so important to you ?
Its a release for me... Don't get a better buzz than dancing and singing on stage. Once you get passed that anxious barrier anyway!
What was it that grabbed your attention about music after your injury?
Well I was never really thinking about becoming a singer at all. I injured myself and therefore never could play basketball to the same intensity again so decided to try and coach the sport instead. Went to America to coach for a summer to see if that was something I enjoyed and strangely ended up doing some singing out there after a random term of events. Turns out I was quite good and people enjoyed it when I sang. So I came back and continued.